Includes the integral text of George Adamski’s lost debut, The Invisible Ocean.

With The Sea of Consciousness the author presents a singularly historical document that includes:
– George Adamski’s lost debut from 1932, The Invisible Ocean
– two previously unpublished articles by George Adamski
– a 16-page section of clippings plus a chronology that document and demystify the origins and history of The Royal Order of Tibet
– an 8-page George Adamski bibliography
In addition, three chapters outline
– how the latest scientific insights show that Adamski’s teaching was far ahead of its time
– how historical facts expose the long-standing allegations against Adamski’s motives and character as malicious slander
– how the scientific paradigm is edging ever closer to the recognition that the manifestation of life may not be limited to the carbon-based reality that we know.
In The Sea of Consciousness Gerard Aartsen presents George Adamski’s earliest teaching about the evolution of consciousness in the context of 21st-century systems science – which holds that nothing is separate, that everything interacts and evolves as an integral system – and reveals how Adamski’s philosophy and teaching were far ahead of their time.
Reading Adamski’s first publication alongside the insights from the very forefront of 21st-century scientific thinking should prompt a complete reassessment of his work on the part of everyone who is less than convinced Adamski could be speaking from a higher level of understanding than most of us have access to.
This is a volume of historical importance that could well signal the ultimate rehabilitation of George Adamski’s reputation.
“One of [Adamski’s] most interesting insights is that superconsciousness corresponds to supersensitivity as everything registers within it…: transformation is achieved through self-control of thought…
The editor shows how Adamski’s thought is reflected in developments in systems science, for instance in the work of Ervin Laszlo. There is also a full bibliography showing the extent of his work.”
–David Lorimer, Paradigm Explorer No. 132, 2020/1
“The Sea of Consciousness is an important contribution to our understanding of the early years of George Adamski. It is carefully referenced with an eight-page Adamski bibliography. This work will be of interest not only to ufologists and aficionados of contactee literature but also to academic scholars of Western Esotericism. Gerard Aartsen is to be commended for this excellent effort to share an important historical document.”
–H kan Blomqvist, AFU/UFOarchives blog, 25 May 2019
Read more in English
English edition:
The Sea of Consciousness – The Invisible Ocean
BGA Publications 2019, 118 (x + 108) pages; ISBN: 978-90-9031695-6
French edition:
La Mer de la Conscience – L’Ocean Invisible
Ed. Pierre Cocheril 2020; ISBN: 978-0-244-56550-3